Ethnic Conflicts have been in the world since and even before Jesus, as an example we can remember how Moses and Jew people were rejected from Egypt as written in the bible, and how Jews had suffer through history just because of their religious believes, or also how Muslims are or were rejected since the terrorist act of 911, this can make us wonder, why of this human behavior, well this type of behavior is very common among people, is a territorial instinct or sense of property that in which people felt threaten when don’t know somebody or have a difference aspect or a different believes.
Ethnic conflicts are most of the time with difference in race, political or religious believes, but there´s also a type of discrimination against minorities under a society, in this case for example Latin American, is very common to find countries with indigenous populations trying to make their rights and thoughts stand still under a society in which white people domain.
Political differences among countries can also end in an ethnic conflict, but this case is very particular, issues like control of a territory or problems with the country borders, like the recent problems with Costa Rica and Nicaragua, both trying to control an area of land in the north border, this can cause a ejective behavior against nicas, just because of political matter, we have the advantage of being a pacifist country that won’t let this issue go any further, but if this same case were developed in an conflict area it might end in a war.
Violence between races or ethnics had been part of us since so long; is sad, but this is how some countries or territories had been created, as everything grows and develops we can expect new kinds of violence against ethnic groups; globalization, migration of people to other countries, land control, and power help to increase this type of discrimination, and as happened in the past, if we don’t try to stop this, we would see again genocides, violence, and even more terrorist acts.