The term of globalization have been changing in time, and nowadays, involves aspects like cultural, social, political and technological. Considering that the concept of is well known for most of the people because of the use and effects on internet. Internet is a good example of the globalization phenomena, the worldwide web is part of a big mass of people interacting and communicating to each other in real time, and that’s what being global is about.
Now, the definition could be a little harder when comes to the other kind of terms, like politics or cultural matters but they all come to a single concept, sharing knowledge and everyone be part of a big community, living as a whole, in every single aspect of our life’s, like sports, health, economy, culture, music, etc. The share of knowledge will give a hope by letting new tech and also new medicines for people with needs in the developing countries.
In my opinion, Globalization come here to stay and will be a type of ideology in the years to come, with the idea of bringing down all types of walls that separate human beings from each other, globalization is the future and won’t stop, even though it has their lows and highs, the problem of poverty have been an issue of globalization and also a matter in the developing countries that have been struggling against it or trying to be part of a globalize world.
Globalization is the way in which we, as human beings, would care about each other, this sounds more like a utopia, but at least we have the idea and the concept of going in the right way. In the years to come there will be an improvement not only in the main issues or the pros matter but also in the problems and diseases that the whole world has, like the search for cures of cancer and AIDS and the improvement in poverty too.